Sunday, April 05, 2009

Fast Shutdown in Windows Vista or XP

For Vista Users

Here's a neat one I fell larger than someplace on the web:

Not built up Regedit (WINDOWS KEY + R on your keyboard, or by clicking inaugurate and typing on the pursuit bar "Regedit" without quotes.

Hit go into

Plot a course to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control] on the right panel glimpse for the "WaitToKillServiceTimeout" sequence and change it assessment to 1000 by moral clicking the series and selecting Modify...

Evasion merit WaitToKillServiceTimeout=20000
Customized value WaitToKillServiceTimeout=5000
Personalized consequence WaitToKillServiceTimeout=1000 (extreme, use it at your own risk)

I start 3000 worked nicely but try the 5000 first. 3000 does on occasion set down some programs lagging which at that moment neediness an extra key click.

Additional way is to birthright Click on Desktop and conceive new shortcut and set its Target at-

shutdown.exe -s -t 00

For XP Users

Open Task boss by critical Ctrl + Alt + Del
Go to Shutdown menu and click whilst pressing Ctrl.

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