Saturday, April 25, 2009


Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Web 3.0

-1-Computer shortly

The society -1-Computer in a few words..

* 1991 - foundation (Sion, Switzerland)
* 1994 - adoption of the Linux platform
o freeware based solution
* 1997 - realisation of the first Internet sites
* 1999 - hosting of Internet sites
* 2001 - development for mobile Internet
* 2002 - application of Web (XHTML 1.1) standards
* 2003 - 1Work CMS (mobile, PDA, UMPC, PC)
* 2005 - Artemis (Tracability for wine cellars)

Web shortly

Some historical dates ...

* 1990 - Software WorldWideWeb (Nexus) for NeXT
* 1993 - NCSA Mosaic
o multiplateform solutions, more stable
* 1995 - Domination of the market by Netscape and 1st release of MS Internet Explorer
* 1998 - Mozilla ends in 2003
* 2000 - Release of Konqueror (KDE). Domination of the market by MS Internet Explorer
* 2002 - Apparition of FireFox based on mozilla. 9th Nov. 2004 Ver. 1.0
* 2007 - Internet Explorer 7, FireFox 2.0, Prism (Mozilla labs)
* 2008 - Release of FireFox 3.0, Fennec (mobile), ...


* How to situate on the Web ? Which future ?
* How to remain platform hardware independent (terminals, mobiles, plasma screens) ?
o Easily publish on several support : from the small mobile screen to the huge plasma screen

Methodology - Graphical

* Internet is a spiderweb, the Web is a rainbow....
o There is a huge number of colors, but we only see a small part of them, which change depending on the means used !


Web 1.0 Characteristics

How to define the Web1.0 ?

* statical pages, sometimes dynamical
* change possible for the WebMaster only
* unitary web pages : texts, images, links


* The webmaster uses one or several software to modify the data.
* Internet user do not contribute directly to the data changes

Web1.0 Graphically

* Web1.0: Statical pages, text, WebMaster,....
o Publication on several supports either the small mobile's screen or on a standard screen (resolution).
+ Statical pages, statical mobility.

Web 2.0 Characteristics

How to situate Web2.0 ?

* dynamical sites, sometimes statical
* changes of the content by the Webmaster and users
* site solution web (software)


* The webmaster do not use softwares to modify the datas.
* The webpage reader can contribute to the datas.

Web 2.0 Models
Web resources ?

* Web2.0 or Web2.c for users
* Model with free market (Advertisements)


* Web2.b for business (intranet, extranet)

Web2.0 Graphically

* Arrival of the Web2.0. Web User(s), Web community
* The web becomes software, tool, sharing....
o Upgrade to the Web2.0 offers a much broader offer of services

Web3.0 Themes

* How do the web evolves ? Which future ?
* Burst of technologies:
o technical and software (Ajax, Flash, 3D, ???, ...)
o hardware : mobiles, PDA, UMPC, PC, large screens,.....
(nokiaN810 5' , eeepc 7',...)
o Network: WiMax (centrino2), Uwb,...
o Web Object: Datamatrix, RFID, ...

Web 3.0 characteristics 1 of 2

How to define the Web3.0 ?

* Mobility: each kind of hardware, screen, printer
* Universality: for every browser
* Accessibility: Web's standards -> databases
* Application Solution software Web SaaS

Web 3.0 Characteristics 2 of 2

Web based solutions. (ASP, SaaS, Software, Application....We say not Web pages)

* 3 actors:
o The webmaster
o Users
o Web3.0 database servers , microformats
* With evolution and diversity, hardware will take a major role with the Web3.0

Web3.0 Graphically

* Release of the Web3.0. User(s), communities, mobility (hardware-software)
* Web becomes information : databases (xml, rss,...), micro formats, semantics,...
o Respect of standards to communicate between sites, transit of informations, Open Source

Rupture of the Web1.0

* Client becomes an actor. (Knol, Blog, CMS Wiki,...)
* Users are actors
o Wikipedia, social networks, Second Life,...
o Google Writer, Mahalo, Wikia...

Rupture of the Web2.0

* The web becomes an engine and an actor. Hardware becomes "transparent"
* The web solution allows to modifiy the tool.
* We create the web by the web.....
o 1Work:
+ Individual creation of databases
+ Automatic creation and anihilation of documents
+ Creation of forms
o Artemis:
+ Integrated programming language
+ display...
+ filters, requests
+ entry (data input), output : display or printer....

Web3.0 Graphically

* Locate a webpage or solution on this representation.
o Vertical: mobility; hardware and software.
o Horizontal: user, communities, databases

Web2.0 Web3.0 Graphically

* On this representation what are the possible sites ?
* Determine other situations...
* What should be there for Web2.0? Web3.0?

Web 3.0 Applications

* The Web by the web independence at software and hardware levels
The web in every place and on every device.

Case study

* www.1computer.info/1work/
* www.1computer.info/artemis/


* In 3 points :
o Web1.0 : OS layer independent
o Web2.0 becomes software
o Web3.0 is software (engine and development) + microformats
+ hardware layer independent
* Finance: Release of the Web3.0 will finally take out the web from the unique
advertisement solution B2C...
* The use of the Web in the administration, trading and industry
will take a much more important position, maybe even a dominant one.
* Technical solution: « liquid structure »
o In the Web3.0 hardware plays one more role : it becomes transparent. The code becomes open source.


  1. GReat article! I found this one here about the web3.0 which provides some additional angles: http://www.slideshare.net/JohannesBhakfi/web30-986081

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